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School on Remote Learning

Our school will be educating students remotely using MS Teams and directed independent study.

Only children of key workers and other students identified by school will attend school.

We have high expectations for our students whether they are in the classroom or not. Please see our Online Learning Expectations document here and share this with your child. SJF expectations for live lessons


We expect all of our students to engage fully with their remote learning; they MUST or they will fall behind.


We expect students to join the morning Registration Teams invite for their Form at 8.45am to participate in collective worship and to start the day in a positive way.

Teaching staff will email links to 'live' teams lessons, direct pupils to set work on the pupil dashboard or give instructions for alternate work.


To support remote learning, please read the step by step guides on how to open an email, how to access the pupil dashboard and how to use Microsoft teams. These can be found on the school website


Remote Learning Offer and . There is also a useful video





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St John Fisher Catholic High School

Baytree Road, Wigan

WN6 7RN​​

Temporary Tel: 07498 388303 / 07961 979393


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Terms of Use

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