Prayer and Liturgy
"For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them"
(Matthew 18:20)
St John Fisher School Prayer
Lord, help us to do what is right, to put our hearts and minds into everything and be an example to others.
Help us not to criticise others for things we cannot do ourselves, to understand and forgive others especially when they hurt us, even though it may be hard.
May we be thankful for what we have got and remember those who have little.
Help us to always try hard in our work and follow the example of St John Fisher.
We are a Catholic community where every person is valued. Christ is at heart of our school and we endeavour to foster the spiritual growth of our pupils, as well as encouraging them to have high moral standards and behaviour. We appreciate that all pupils are on a faith journey. We try to meet pupils where they are and encourage them to ask questions about their purpose and their faith. We recognise each pupil as made in the image of God, all with different gifts and qualities.
Form prayer and liturgy/assemblies
Prayer and Liturgy is central to the life of St John Fisher Catholic High School.
Daily prayer takes place in form classes, led by the form tutor and pupils, focused on the theme for the week or other issues/events that may arise. Resources are provided to ensure that pupils have a varied experience of prayer and liturgy.
As well as more formal prayer, every half-term, we undertake a practical project as part of our Form liturgy. In the past we have made rosaries, grown sunflowers, produced ‘Form Poppies’ for remembrance (which were displayed in local parishes) and made Christmas Baubles.

Sunflowers planted as part of our
form prayer and liturgy activities.

‘Form Poppies’ for remembrance which were displayed in local parishes.
Each year group has an assembly together each week, led by various members of the school community and, on occasion, external speakers.
Form Saints
Our forms are named after Saints:
Pupil Prayer
Our Breakfast with God for Pupils is attended by a small group of pupils before school each week. The pupils volunteer to plan and deliver the prayers and reflections on a rota basis.
Staff Prayer
As staff we pray together too. All of our staff meetings begin with a prayer, led by various members of the staff community. Staff ‘Prayer and Pastries’ takes place in the Chapel before school on a Friday morning, providing staff with the opportunity to connect with each other and spend some time in quiet reflection, before the busyness of the day ahead.
Throughout the year, we celebrate Mass together – during Advent, Lent and on St John Fisher’s Feast Day.

We also hold voluntary masses in the Chapel, supported by our local clergy. We have strong links with our local Catholic parishes which supports our strong ‘home-school-parish’ links:
The Parish of St Edward the Confessor
The Parish of St Jude and St Aidan
Our Lady of the Annunciation and Saint Bernadette