Student Support and SEND
St John Fisher Catholic High School - SEND specialists
At St John Fisher we have Specialist Literacy and Numeracy teachers who can deliver teaching programmes to individuals and small groups of students with Specific Learning Difficulties such as Dyslexia. Students are taught using highly structured multisensory phonics and language programmes and Maths Recovery programmes. History of need and a variety of assessments are used to identify students who would benefit from specialist teaching. Assessments are also used to carefully design programmes to match individual learning needs and monitor progress.
Mrs Taylor
SENCO/Designated Teacher
Mrs Catterall
Specialist Teacher and Assessor
Mrs Cropper
Literacy and Numeracy lead LSA
Mrs Swift
St John Fisher Catholic High School – Access Arrangements
Access arrangements and reasonable adjustments are put in place for students with specific needs, such as special educational needs, disabilities or temporary injuries. Students are identified and their needs assessed during year 9 and 10. Approved Access arrangements are put in place for internal school tests, mock examinations and examinations.
Students identified as needing interventions are either identified from their previous school, tests or teacher/ head of year referrals. Initially, students will be assessed by analysing the results of the SATs and CATs scores, a list is then created of individuals who we feel may need further testing. This may be through the YARC assessment for Literacy or the Maths Recovery Interviews for Numeracy. Once these assessments have been conducted, anyone who still appears to require intervention support is tested and evaluated to determine which form of intervention will best suit the individual’s needs.
The Learning Support Department offer Lucid Comprehension Booster, WordShark, IDL, Ticking Texts, Targeted Comprehension and New Reading and Thinking, amongst several other Literacy specific programmes. For Numeracy, the interventions may be Maths Recovery, Maths Activity Mat or NumberShark or a combination of these programmes. All interventions will be conducted either via home learning packs which are monitored by a mentor in school, 1-1 sort activity sessions or as a small group withdrawal. Progress is assessed at various points throughout the year in order to ascertain whether the student still requires support.
Here in the Learning Support department, we run the 627 group. This is a class established to aid the transition process for pupils from a primary to a secondary setting.
Pupils are identified through conversations which take place between the SEN department, Primary schools and parents, to ensure the pupils who would benefit most from being in this group are selected.
The 627 group are taught RE, Geography and History within the Learning Support department. Pupils follow the KS3 curriculum, however lessons are further differentiated so are more accessible for pupils who may struggle with the more literacy-based subjects.
Outside Agencies
St John Fisher Catholic High School works closely with many external agencies to support our students. The TESS team support the learning support department by conducting cognitive assessment tests, offering emotional, behaviour and Autism interventions, we also feel that it is important that parents and carers are involved in strategies to support our young people, so parental and staff training is also available.
The sensory support team from Wigan work closely with the students who are identified to receive additional support through medical and clinical recommendations. Speech therapy, occupational therapy, the educational psychologist, counsellors and virtual schools all contribute to supporting the needs of St John Fisher students.
The SEN Register
When students first attend St John Fisher Catholic High School, information which has been collated from their previous school is used to decide if the student should be placed on the SEN register. If a student has received interventions within a 6 month period, has received a CAT test of 84 or less, has a diagnosis and additional support is required they will be placed on the K (additional support) register. The K register is widely available to staff so that the needs of students can be catered for within their lessons and quality first teaching can be delivered. Students may not require to be on the K register for long periods of time, and may be removed once interventions have been successful, equally some students may remain on the register for their duration at St John Fisher. Some students on the K list may be in receipt of an IEP (individual education plan) which will inform teachers of the students targets, the IEP will be monitored by SEN staff or the students form tutor and will be reviewed termly. Students who have an Education and health care plan (EHCP) will be placed on the SEN register with an E, these students will have annual reviews and will (depending on their individual plan) have a teaching assistant support within lessons.
Students entering key stage 4 with additional needs who may an alternative specialist curriculum will be advised to study the NOCN option.
The NOCN course is suitable for students who require a modified curriculum, it is taught in a small group which is engaging and meets the additional needs of the individuals in the class.
Course outline
The course is broken into small units which concentrate on life skills and independent living.
The course is broken down into the following units (a selection of which will be chosen– dependant on cohort)
the local community
Shopping for your home
Exploring occupational sector
Clearing and weeding a garden
Countryside walk
Improving own fitness
Serving food and drink
Health and safety food and hygiene in catering
Using emails
Spreadsheet software
Money adding and subtracting
Applying addition and subtracting skills
The NOCN is assessed through coursework completed during KS4
The department
St John Fisher Catholic High School are fortunate to have a large learning support team who strive to support the needs of students requiring additional help. The department is comprised of the SENCO Mrs Taylor, the assistant to SENCO, a Specialist teacher, a lead teaching assistant for intervention and several teaching assistants. The department are skilled in many interventions and have a wealth of knowledge and training on how to support children with additional needs.
Contact Information.
Mrs A Taylor (SEND Co) St John Fisher High School 01942 510715
Wigan Local Authority (Local Offer)
For the parental advice
Embrace (Support for Families) 01942 233323