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  • Miss B Shakespeare-Smyth - Head Of Department

  • Miss L Gray - Teacher Of Art / Interim Assistant Headteacher

  • Miss K Gregory - Teacher Of Art

  • Mrs L Misra - Teacher Of Art


Art is an exciting and enriching practical subject, and in our Art & Design Department students are challenged by a wide range of diverse, creative experiences. In this successful and flourishing department, our members of staff are committed to offering a safe but stimulating environment which enhances students’ learning and allows all students the opportunity to express themselves through practical explorations and study of historical and contemporary artists/designers. In broad terms, the main aims of the subject are to ensure that every child, regardless of race, gender, or artistic ability, has the opportunity to explore, develop and achieve within a strong, caring and supportive environment. Practical experiences result in many new discoveries which enable our students to gain the confidence and the competence to express themselves successfully in an extensive range of traditional materials and contemporary technologies such as digital photography and electronic imaging.

Learning and Teaching

The department aims to: ensure all students are given an opportunity to excel and develop individual ideas to reach their full creative potential. Differentiated materials are produced and regularly reviewed to ensure that all students’ individual needs are met. Students are taught in mixed ability classes throughout Key Stages 3 & 4. KS3 students have one Art & Design lesson per week. Whilst students opting for Art & Design at GCSE have three lessons per week.

Enriching learning

Each mixed ability teaching group presents us with a range of artistic capabilities. Our aim is to provide strategies which encourage all children to develop their creative potential as fully as possible. Students who demonstrate a high level of understanding and creativity in the subject are offered extended stimulus activities and challenges i.e., after school practical workshops to further develop their skills. The Department additionally provide extensive extra-curricular opportunities for our students, ranging from weekend residentials, day trips to galleries/exhibitions and visiting artist workshops in school.


At Key Stage 3 students will study two modules per year, with work produced in sketchbooks before completion of a final, personalised outcome. At Key Stage 4 students produce a portfolio of practical work, supported by relevant artistic referencing, which is worth 60% of their final grade and sit an external examination worth 40%. We involve students in both peer and self-assessment throughout the tasks and work is continually teacher- assessed with ongoing verbal and detailed written feedback on how to improve.

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Baytree Road, Wigan

WN6 7RN​​

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