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Pupil Information

Standards and ExPectations

In St John Fisher, we work hard to maintain the highest of standards with regards to appearance, uniform, behaviour and quality of work. We expect all members of our school community to show mutual respect and tolerance. Please take a look at these presentations to remind yourselves of our standards and what we expect from you. Thank you for your cooperation.

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At St John Fisher Catholic High School, we recognise that the ability to communicate effectively through reading, writing and speaking are the keys to success in all subject areas.  In lessons, teachers plan for literacy in their lessons.   We have a Literacy Coordinator who works closely with departments to ensure that the Literacy Policy is applied consistently throughout the school.

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The school has a long standing tradition of promoting as many Year 11 students as possible to represent the school as prefects. Their contribution to the smooth running of the school is valued by staff and other students. They are role models for others in St John Fisher and assist staff in the smooth running of the school. They also represent the school in a range of formal and informal situations.

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At St John Fisher we recognise the importance of recognising and rewarding achievement, effort, progress, participation in sporting and community events and contribution to the life of the school. The school has a strong rewards culture and our aim is for all staff to regularly and consistently praise and reward our pupils whenever they demonstrate good behaviour, effort, commitment and achievement. Rewards are used to encourage and motivate pupils to work hard, reach their potential and achieve.

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Online Safety – Students

The internet is a tool that most of us will use on a daily basis, for work and for leisure. Many devices are ‘internet ready’, meaning that we can access the internet wherever we are and from anywhere in the world using a computer, tablet or smart phone. Though internet access brings enormous benefits and opportunities for you to explore the world, make friends and to develop your potential, it is fraught with risk and can bring harm if not used appropriately. Keeping you safe when you are online and/or using social media platforms is really important to us and is a priority for staff in school.

What is Online Safety?
It can be called online safety, E safety or internet safety, but it all means the same thing. It’s about risk; it’s about being aware of the possible threats that online activity can bring, and how to deal with them.

How do we support you in school?
In St John Fisher we try to keep you safe online by:

  • Delivering lessons as part of your Life Curriculum;

  • Delivering specific lessons on online safety during your timetabled ICT periods;

  • Giving online safety messages in assemblies and registration;

  • Celebrating Safer Internet Day;

  • Using filtering systems that allow you to safely browse the Internet whilst in school;

  • Monitoring your online activity via Impero;

  • Requesting you adhere to the Student Acceptable Policy;

  • Having a clear mobile phone policy that is used consistently by staff;

  • Providing you with regular and up-to-date guidance on E safety.

Helpful Websites For Students

       Think You Know – Advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online.

       BBC Newsround – Staying safe online

       Balancing screen time (tips to support children 11-14)

       Balancing screen time (tips to support children 14+)


Any student who wishes to become a prefect will be asked to complete an application form and return it to their Head of Year. In the summer term of their Year 10, all staff are asked to nominate students who they would recommend to become a prefect. Obviously, for a student to be elevated to such a prestigious position in school, their previous record of behaviour, attitude to learning and commitment to the school ethos will be taken into account.

The school will endeavour to assign a prefect to an appropriate duty in school. All prefects are issued with a personalised badge, detailing their name and duty.

Each year, eight students are selected to become Head Boy, Head Girl; Deputy Head Boy and Girl and Senior Prefects. These pupils make up the Senior Prefect team. The Pastoral team will take the following into consideration when shortlisting the eight students:

• Interim assessment data
• Achievement and behaviour points
• Overall contribution to the life of the school
• Attendance and punctuality

Following the shortlisting process, the eight students are asked to make an application in writing to the Chair of Governors. Finally, they are interviewed together by the Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher, Chair of Governors and Head of Year.


Pupils may be rewarded for the following:

• Good work & effort
• Positive behaviour for learning
• Positive attitude to learning
• Contribution to and active participation in lessons
• Regular attendance and good punctuality
• Adherence to school rules regarding uniform & appearance
• Involvement in extra-curricular activities
• Contribution to school life
• Progress/improvement
• Demonstrating initiative/enthusiasm/resiliance

Our rewards take a variety of forms and include the following:

• Verbal praise from adults in school
• Postcards or letters sent home
• Teaching and non-teaching staff contacting home – ‘well done phone calls’
• Acknowledgement in assemblies
• Cinema trips
• Certificates and prizes in end-of-term celebration assemblies
• Representing the school as a prefect in Year 11
• Free breakfasts
• Awards Evenings
• Invitation to the annual Summer BBQ
• Invitation to the end of year trip (Alton Towers)
• Invitation to the Year 11 Leavers’ Prom

Achievement Points

As part of our rewards provision in school, we operate an achievement points system where staff in their role as Form Tutors and subject teachers issue points to pupils. Each week, Form Tutors may give points for the following:

• 100% attendance and good punctuality
• No teacher signatures on standards cards
• Up to date diaries/planners
• Following school uniform/appearance rules
• Showing good manners and being respectful
• Contribution to school life/community act

All staff may give points for the following:

• Good effort in class/homework
• Good progress in class/homework
• Good/outstanding piece of work
• Participation in and contribution to in lessons
• Involvement in extra-curricular activities
• Prefect contributions
• Borrowing a library book

At the end of each term, a league table is produced for each year group; the ten pupils with the highest number of achievement points receive platinum certificates and are entered into a prize draw for Grand Arcade vouchers. Other pupils are presented with gold, silver and bronze certificates. Over 50% of year groups receive certificates in our celebration assemblies.

Achievement Points Honour Roll

Attendance and Punctuality Rewards

At the end of each term, those pupils with excellent attendance and punctuality receive certificates and are entered into a prize draw for Grand Arcade vouchers. To further encourage good attendance, the form class in each year group with the best attendance are rewarded with Dominos pizzas.

School Council

School Council Ethos

Student democracy plays a very important part in the day-to-day life at St John Fisher. The Student Council works to enhance the environment at school and is our recognised, democratic structure.

The School Council offers students an opportunity to have their say about a wide range of issues in school. Students have been involved in lots of activities ranging from staff interviews, meetings with the Senior Leadership Group (SLG), fundraising, presenting assemblies and improving the school grounds

How the School Council Works

The school council is made up of two students from each form who are then responsible for holding meetings in their forms and feeding back to the year council. Two students from each year group are elected to attend the whole school council meetings. . It is through this system that every student has a voice and every idea is noted.

Meetings are held half-termly and are often attended by the SLG or other appropriate members of staff who are relevant to the issues raised at the meetings.

The School Council is more than just a venue for complaints; it provides an opportunity to build inter-year relations, deals with issues that affect students across the school which can vary from students’ own experiences through to academia and social events.

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