Uniform: Years 7-10
Black blazer with school badge
Plain white shirt
School tie
Plain black socks (below the knee) or plain black opaque tights
Black knee-length skirt or black trousers (both embroidered with school logo)
Plain black shoes (not fashion shoes, pumps, trainer style or boots of any description
Grey Jumper (compulsory between October – February)
Black blazer with school badge
Plain white shirt
School tie
Plain black socks
Regulation black trousers (no fashion or jean style)
Plain black shoes (not fashion shoes, pumps, trainer style or boots of any description)
Grey Jumper (compulsory between October – February
Uniform: Year 11
• Black pullover with school logo
• Plain white shirt
• School tie
• Plain black socks (below the knee) or plain black opaque tights
• Black knee-length skirt or black trousers (both embroidered with school logo)
• Plain black shoes (not fashion shoes, pumps, trainer style or boots of any description
• Black pullover with school badge
• Plain white shirt
• School tie
• Plain black socks
• Regulation black trousers (no fashion or jean style)
• Plain black shoes (not fashion shoes, pumps, trainer style or boots of any description)
Physical Education Kit
The PE department sets extremely high standards which have helped pupils develop the skills needed to successfully face the world of work. In order for your child to get the best sporting education and opportunity, we feel it is essential that your son/daughter has the correct clothing for the appropriate weather and activity. Please look at the different alternatives your child can wear for their PE lessons.
Girl’s PE Kit
• St John Fisher black and red polo shirt
• St John Fisher black and red hooded top
• Plain black nylon football shorts
• Plain black sports socks
• Sports trainers (no fashion trainers)
• Shin pads (for hockey and football)
• St John Fisher school leggings
• Gum shield
Boy's PE Kit
• St John Fisher black and red polo shirt
• St John Fisher black/red reversible rugby shirt
• Plain black nylon football shorts
• Plain black sports socks
• Football boots (preferably moulded studs/plastic blades used for both field & astro-turf)
• Sports trainers (no fashion trainers)
• Shin pads (for football)
• Gum shield
(In winter pupils can wear suitable hats and gloves for outdoor activities and in the summer months suitable hats and sun cream is recommended)
All students are required to bring their PE kit to every lesson. It is your child’s responsibility to make sure their kit is stored at school in a secure safe place. This is usually in their lockers. Students will receive a sanction for failing to bring their PE kit or item of kit.
If your son/daughter is sick or injured they must bring a note in their diary and their PE kit so they can take part in the lesson as an official or sports leader. An exception to this rule is, if your child has fractured a bone then they do not need to bring their kit.
We enforced this rule several years ago and since then the participation and standards of kit have been excellent. This policy has been introduced into a number of schools in the area. The most important reason is that all students are prepared to take part in the lesson. However, it is also important that they have their kit with them in case of poor weather so they will be able to change back into their dry uniform for the rest of the academic school day.
Thank you for your support.
General Appearance
Outdoor Wear: Outdoor coats (when worn) should be warm and waterproof. (Track-suit tops/denim/leather coats are forbidden). Coats should not be worn inside the building.
Jewellery: No jewellery (with the exception of a watch) is to be worn.
Hair Styles: Hair styles must be neat and tidy and of natural colour. (Hair should not be shorter than No. 3). Long hair for both boys and girls must be tied back at all times. Fashionable extremes will not be permitted. Mousse/gel/hairspray should not be used.
Make-up: Make-up and nail varnish are not allowed. Any body adornment must not be visible e.g. tattoo.
Permitted Footwear